2014年11月20日 星期四

20141120 180 Gallon Reef Ready tank build

While waiting for the 180 gallon tank's paint to dry, I took the opportunity to also paint the back panel of the stand and the back of the 75 gallon tank, which I will be placing underneath the 180 as a sump.
180 Gallon tank stand
Tank Stand upright while the paint dries
I am experimenting a "compartment free" sump, where the water is allowed to flow freely through without needing to flow through compartments. But I am building a media container within the sump and also act a as divider for any rock, macro algae, and possible livestock I place down here from the skimmer and the return pumps.
75 gallon sump
open divider for the sump



All comments with the intention to educate and improve the aquarium hobby are welcome!