2014年6月8日 星期日

2014-06-08 Tank moving 1

This was a project long time coming- Ever since I did my most recent energy bill and tank wattage analysis, I realized having one larger tanks is a log more energy efficient than having multiple small tanks- even when the small tanks sums up to a smaller water volume.
The opportunity finally came when one of the local aquarium stores: Living Art Aquarium, had a store move. They've been very successful over the last few years and decided to expand store size.
As they move, some of the tanks from their previous location are now up for sell. I was able to obtain this 75Gallon mega flow with half the regular retail price + overflow kit included. I also decided to obtain a 29Gallon to function as a sump. The rest of the project was relatively inexpensive- but tedious as I cut wood and PVC pipes to put together a stand and the plumbing. The entire progress took about 48 hours (including cleaning up the old tanks). I will break down the play by play in the next few post in case anyone is interested in learn more about plumbing, livestock transport, cleaning tip.



All comments with the intention to educate and improve the aquarium hobby are welcome!