2014年4月27日 星期日

2014-04-27 Livestock of the Day-2

Check out this cute possum wrasse! http://www.liveaquaria.com/diversden/ItemDisplay.cfm?c=2733+3&ddid=225424
I have great experience ordering from LiveAquaria before so I would definitely recommend anyone to try them out.
possum wrasse
Caution- All wrasses jump! They are jumpers! Please make sure you have good protection device in place for your tank before you order this little dude.
Possum wrasse are cute and wonderful to interact with. They can be a bit shy and timid so make sure they are in before you put any more aggressive "reef safe" fish in there such as dwarf angels and tangs.
The one thing you don't have to worry with wrasses is diet. I have never lost a wrasse due to not eating! If kept right, they can be in your tank for years!



All comments with the intention to educate and improve the aquarium hobby are welcome!